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Trying on a picture

Choosing a picture in a house or office, you can do a fitting. This is the same if you are choosing new curtains in your home. You can take samples of all fabrics in stores for 1 day and choose at home under different lighting conditions, which is most suitable. Very often it seems that the picture is like and should fit into the interior. But when you hang it, it turns out that it does not fit at all. Personally, I have had it so many times and it took quite a while before I realized that it would really look on this or that wall.

Personally, I also always agree to bring different paintings and experiment with which one will look better. In the end, it is important for me that the picture primarily pleased the new owners. And it is better to understand before the purchase that the picture does not look as expected, than to buy and then get upset. It’s harder for me to know that customers are satisfied than to sell a painting. Drawing each picture, I lived a small life with them. It is very important for me to know that in the end the paintings hang on the walls and delight someone.

Be sure to find and hang yourself a picture that will delight you every day.

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